As humans, we are all to a more or lesser extend social beings.
Our brains are wired for social interaction.
Being deprived of social interaction creates an away or threat response. The said response is equal to experiencing physical pain.

At Results Coaching Systems we enjoy the social interaction. We enjoy a face to face interaction as much as we enjoy virtual communication with each other. We strive to create diversity and inclusion to manifest in belonging through all conversations.
Now for the physical distancing.
The way forward for the next intake to qualify as a Brain-Based Coach will be an event of “physical distancing.” We will deliver the entire course in a virtual format! The interaction will be live. You will even take part in your breakaway with another participant to practice your skill. You will have a voice and ample opportunity to participate. We have been working and implementing this successfully in our other courses already. Success is a given.
WHY now?
The heading should actually have been :” Why should I become a coach now? What will the benefit be?” The environment we find ourselves in at the moment is not creating any certainty, autonomy or relatedness for anyone. People need to plan for a life after the pandemic. YOU, the coach, can play the role to support them think differently to be able to navigate and mitigate the current circumstances. The benefit for yourself is not just individual growth, it is also an opportunity to generate an additional income stream. Our community will need all the support to adapt to the new norm. Become a coach!

The best part….
Until 16 April 2020, YOU have the option to choose the price you are willing to pay!

For more information, connect with us on or phone Tamryn on 0860 864 864.